About Us
Meet Toby (left) and Luis (right), two friends with a shared passion for gardening, and now the founders of Sow Your Own. At 21 years old, we’re not the typical gardeners you may be familiar with, instead we’re budding young entrepreneurs looking to make a difference in the world. You may be thinking, where did it all begin? Well, while both working full time in finance, we spent countless late nights building our brand and designing our first product, the Vibrant Veg Kit. In the process we spent our entire savings purchasing 500 units in the hope it would succeed. The fact I’m writing this now, a year and a half later is a testament to our dedication.
Our mission is simple, #GetBritainGrowing
So, what does this really mean? - To help new and non-gardeners, fall in love with the outdoors and get them growing, irrespective of age or ability. This doesn't have to be an entire vegetable patch, it could be sowing a few seeds or scattering some seed bombs on a walk. Leading hectic lives surrounded by screens can often make us lose touch with the world around us. It can be refreshing to disconnect, roll up our sleeves, get gardening and embrace the benefits it has to offer. Not only is it a rewarding hobby, it’s an excellent mindfulness activity. Studies have shown it reduces stress and improves mental wellbeing.
We’ve made it easier than ever to get involved by designing a range of products suited to beginner gardeners. Our all-in-one starter ‘Box's’ contain everything you need to get growing your own organic fruits, herbs, vegetables and chillies. Our modern solution doesn't even require access to a garden, just a sunny windowsill and a small area of outside space like a balcony.
More recently we launched our range of wildflower seed bombs in an effort to support pollinator conservation across the UK. With your help so far, we’ve been able to cover an area the size of 7 tennis courts in wildflowers, providing an important food source to bees and other pollinators which make up the backbone of our native ecosystem!